Friday, March 1, 2013

Professional Scepticism Paramount for Auditors

Research undertaken by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia (ICAA) has found that “The value of exercising professional scepticism in auditing is front and foremost for auditors in practice, yet more work can be done to build capability in this area.” Using an innovative review approach, the ICAA has prepared a 16-page publication Preserving capital market confidence through audit quality, based on quantitative research on auditors from five major accounting firms in Australia.

The research assesses the importance of the main drivers of audit quality in those firms. Auditors from a range of levels across the firms, not just partners, provided a sense of where there may be different perspectives on commitment to quality. The findings reveal that professional scepticism ranks in the top three most important skills across all respondent groups.

The review approach supplements the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)Audit Inspection Program and the firms’ national and international reviews. The ICAA will work with the firms to correlate findings from all research avenues, as well as assess whether this approach can be adapted for other practice areas.

For an overview of this research, read the article “Professional Scepticism Paramount for Auditors” by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia published in the February 2013 edition of GAA Accounting. Also, review the additional research and guidance on professional scepticism currently available online.