The survey demonstrates that those charged with governance within organizations are expected to play a key role in establishing expectations relating to ethical behaviour. The example needs to be set by senior management by the way in which they behave and by ongoing monitoring of the effectiveness of their ethics policies and programs. An appropriate code of ethics remains the primary tool for guiding staff on corporate standards of behaviour and on how to respond to ethical dilemmas which they may encounter in their day-to-day work.
Having confidence that businesses, directors and professionals adhere to the highest ethical standards is critical to ensuring public trust in financial reporting and business practices and even to ensuring the future sustainability of businesses themselves. Those organizations that have developed ethics programs which include training about their values and how these are implemented, as well as ‘speak up’ policies, demonstrate they are actively trying to decrease their integrity risk. Business ethics are under the spotlight as never before. Therefore, it is anticipated that this 44-page report, The Art of Ethical Leadership, released in 2013, will stimulate further informed debate about the role of ethics and ethical decision-making in business.
Praesta Ireland is a member of Praesta International, the global leader in senior executive coaching, working in more than 20 countries. Since its foundation in 2001, Praesta Ireland has established a track record of professional, discreet and confidential service to major companies and organizations in support of the leadership development of their Chairs, CEOs, Senior Executives and Non-Executive Directors. Chartered Accountants Ireland is the largest and longest established accountancy body in Ireland. It has over 21,000 members and 6,000 students, and it is the leading voice of the accountancy profession in Ireland. Chartered Accountants Ireland was established as the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland by Royal Charter in 1888. Its activities and those of its members are governed by its Bylaws and by Rules relating to professional and ethical conduct.
Additional information on ethics, including case studies, is available at the Chartered Accountants Regulatory Board (CARB). The case studies provide practical guidance for resolving ethical dilemmas on topics such as conflicts of interest, confidentiality and questionable accounting and business practices.