Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Best Practice Resources for Tax Practitioners in Canada

All tax engagements involve some common elements. However, the time and expertise required may vary significantly for each engagement. More than 50% of insurance claims against Chartered Accountants are tax-related but the majority can be avoided with an effective tax risk management strategy.

The newly revised second edition of the CICA Tax Practice Manual contains 22 comprehensive chapters. It provides information on the important risks associated with tax practice, recommendations and best practices to minimize those risks, as well as useful tools and practice aids to accomplish risk minimization that will assist in improving productivity.

In the electronic version of the Manual, the practice aids are listed at the end of each chapter. Word files, PDF files and links are now included on a CD which accompanies the print version of the Manual. The URLs are included on both the CD and in the electronic versions for quick access to source documents.