Thursday, April 18, 2013

The effective internal auditor: 7 key attributes

As the role of the internal auditor shifts, through regulatory changes or a more volatile economy, so do the skills required to do the job well. The skills shift is demonstrated by what companies expect of the internal audit function. Technical skills are a prerequisite, but those skills alone are not enough as the job’s scope broadens.

A recent report co-authored by Richard Chambers, chief executive and president of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) provides insight on Succeeding as a 21st Century Internal Auditor: 7 Attributes of Highly Effective Internal Auditors. The report, produced by the IIA and global staffing firm Robert Half, discusses these seven traits: Integrity; Relationship building; Partnering; Communication; Teamwork; Diversity; and Continuous learning. These attributes fall into the category of soft skills, but more and more those skills are required, not desired.

For more information, read the Robert Half news release “Transformation of Skills Key to Success for Internal Auditors, Reveals Report.” In addition, review the related CGMA Magazine article Internal Auditors Must Focus More Attention on Strategy.” Also, see related postings dealing with Internal Auditing.